Sabrina says:i am worried abotu today but I am going to try and be the bigger person all day.....I am greatful that i only work till 2 today though
Mom says:Keep a prayer in your heart and mind. It helps.
Sabrina says:oh yea I am going to have to
Mom says:Also keep singing a hymn in your head. That will help keep you calm and close to Heavenly Father.
Sabrina says:
Sabrina says:i think the thing I am most worried abotu mom is that I am not going to like working there after this
Sabrina says:
I thought I had authority over the girls and was an asset to jessie and I found out that yea I am an asset but its most likely cause I do a bunch of stuff for free
Mom says:
Well, my advice would be if things don't go the way you hope it will, would be to reevaluate YOUR feelings.
Sabrina says:
yea I guess
Mom says:Yeah that does make a differance.but it really comes down to how YOU react to things and how YOU can either ignore things that bother you .or find out why it bothers you and if you can change your reaction to it.
Sabrina says:yea thats true
Mom says:
Sometimes. What bothers us the most is our perseption of the things around us.
Sabrina says:yea
Mom says:If we examine our persecption and find that our reactions are not as they should be, then we can work on changeing them.
Mom says:If we find that our reaction is correct for that situation then we have to try to chang the situation. if we can't then it is time to come up with a differant alturnative.
Sabrina says:
Mom says:
In any relationship, marrage or work or friendship. It is only up to YOU how you will react in any given situation. YOU decide how to take a phrase or action. YOU decide how much something will affect you.
Sabrina says:yea
Mom says:I've found that a lot of my reactions have changed since I realized that MY reactions were out of line to what was going on. I also found that the closer to Heavenly Father I got, the more I was able to look into myself and change the things that were causing me to react with emotion instead of logic.
Mom says:
And trust me it hasn't been easy.
Sabrina says:
yea I am sure
Mom says:
but oh so worth it.and I still have a long way to go
Thank you mom. I really think my perspective is off on this situation. And with this advise I think I will beable to put it back in perspective and make changes according to that.